Sunday, December 5, 2010

Give Me My Sulfates!

I couldn't find a single website for complaints against sulfate free shampoos, so I created one.

I've been using sulfate free shampoo for 6 months - ever since getting a Keratin treatment.  I also color and highlight my hair.

I used to get compliments (from stylists as well as friends) about how healthly and shiny my hair looked.  Not anymore.  The breakage I've experienced makes my hair look dull because of it's split-ends and fly-away appearance.  Thinking I was over-highlighting my hair, I stopped this process.  I also changed to a non-ammonia hair color.  Nothing changed.  The breakage has been unbelievable.

Using a sulfate free shampoo leaves my hair feeling like hay or straw.  It's so dry and knotted/tangled that I have to use ALOT - I mean ALOT of conditioner to be able to comb out after washing.  Trying to work the sulfate free condtioner through my hair is another chore and will clog the drain with the hair that breaks during this process.  My wet, conditioned hair still feels like straw and is basically a knotted mess.  Combing out takes much longer and no matter how gently and carefully I do this, my comb fills with broken-off hair.

I've tried several brands of sulfate free products both salon and over the counter.  It didn't matter.  The results were the same.  I have to used so much sulfate free conditioner to be able to get even my fingers through my hair, I was buying 2 bottles of conditioner for every 1 bottle of shampoo.  I was advised by my stylist to use a wide toothed comb and be very gentle when combing out after shampooing.  I followed every bit of advice and spent so much money on special combs, brushes, leave-in and/or rinse-out products that I'm sure I could have used that money to take a nice weekend vacation somewhere.

I QUIT!  I've gone back to using sulfate shampoo and conditioner.  My hair looks and feels SO MUCH BETTER!.  The breakage has all but stopped. The shine is slowly returning to my hair.  It no longer takes 5 full minutes to comb out after a shampoo and I'm not clogging the shower drain anymore.

I refuse to use sulfate free products from now on.  I know they are supposed to be "bad" for both humans and the environment but check out on this subject.  It's a "rumor dispersing website" - very reputable. 

I'm curious to find out if any one else has had problems like this and I welcome your opinions.